Serve Team

Become a Ministry Partner!

Let's build this together!

What does it mean to be a MINISTRY PARTNER at Calvary Southbury?

A MINISTRY PARTNER is an essential piece of any ministry. They come alongside others to serve. They join in, build up, and support. They help make Calvary Southbury a place where Jesus is made known, people are being transformed, and all are loved!

To find out more, fill out the form below!

We will get you connected to Lisa Nye, our Connections Director, so she can tell you more about our Serve Teams and let you know the next steps to becoming a ministry partner! There are many great opportunities to serve - on Sundays and during the week.



We are urgently seeking people to join our Production Team. No experience necessary - just a desire to be used by God! Do you like to be behind the scenes? This might be the perfect fit for you!

We want to help you discover new ways to use the unique gifts that God has given you. Our Calvary Serve Team is a great community of ministry partners with a focus on serving the Lord and caring for people. We would love to have you join in on that too!