Calvary Food Pantry

Updated list of food needs and volunteer opportunities!

We are collecting non-perishable food items to be distributed to those in need.


Below is the list of our current needs:

  • RICE (1lb bags)
  • FRUIT (canned)

Please note:

  • Canned, boxed, or bagged items only please, no glass
  • Standard sized items, please no large sized items

Food donations can be brought to the church on Sundays or during the week when we are in the office. Please do not leave donations outside.

Cash/Check donations are also acceptable and can be made:

  • online - click HERE, choose "FOOD PANTRY"
  • by check - please note FOOD PANTRY in the memo and place in the tithing box
  • by cash - place in envelope noting FOOD PANTRY and your name and place in the tithing box

Our Food Pantry serves on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of every month from 5:30pm-6:30pm.


  • Prep & Set Up Team: 3pm to 5pm
  • Serve & Clean Up Team: 5pm to 7pm

Come out on a Food Pantry Tuesday to volunteer or contact Pastor Mark for more information:


How Does It Work?

The pantry is open to anyone in need in Southbury and the surrounding towns. We pick up food from area grocers in the morning on days that we operate the pantry. We sort through the food once it arrives at the church, and then we package that food in bags, along with shelf stable items we have on hand, prior to opening at 5:30pm. 

Our guests will drive into our parking lot and we will guide them where to park. If time permits, they can come into the lobby for coffee as they wait! Each car is led to the Food Distribution Area on a first-come-first-served basis. Volunteers bring the prepackaged bags of food to their car. During this time, we also deliver food to people in need who don't have transportation. Our food distribution ends at 6:30pm and our goal is to be cleaned up by then.